7 tips for dealing with post-Christmas clutter from an organizing expert

The festive season brings joy, gifts, and a great deal of new clutter into our homes and as the celebrations wind down, we're often left wondering how to reclaim our space and start the New Year fresh.

post Christmas clutter

Christmas is a season of joy, warmth, and celebration, but it has a hidden side effect: the accumulation of stuff, a lot of which can feel like clutter. Remnants of festive cheer can often leave our living spaces in disarray.

Here's how to tackle the post-Christmas clutter and start the New Year on an organized note.

Sort Through Gifts

The holiday season is synonymous with generosity and giving, but often, our best intentions lead to excessive buying and the accumulation of more than we need, especially for kids!. The lure of festive sales and the pressure to find the perfect gift can result in a surplus of items contributing to a cluttered, stressful environment at home.

This overindulgence not only overwhelms our living spaces but also adds to the stress levels of the season. The process of choosing, buying, wrapping, and eventually finding a place for all these new “things” can take a toll on our mental well-being and make it harder to relax and enjoy the moments that truly matter.

And although gifts are a way to show love, they don't always fit our lifestyle or tastes. Sort your gifts into categories: keep, exchange (if possible), donate, or regift. Be honest with yourself about what you will use and don’t feel guilty - just because it’s a gift, it doesn’t mean you have to keep it forever! For those that don't make the cut, consider selling them online (Facebook or Carousel are great options in Hong Kong) or donating them to charity (like Refugee Union or Salvation Army). Remember that the true value of a gift is in the giving, not in keeping something that doesn't serve you.

Declutter the Kids’ Clothes and Toys

With the new influx of kids’ clothes and toys, this is the perfect time to declutter. It will be easier to convince your kids to part ways with toys they haven’t played with in a while, when they have new ones. Go through toys, one category at a time, like books or building toys (e.g. lego, magnatiles, blocks etc) and decide what is no longer needed from each category. For clothes, take out what no longer fits and old items that have been replaced such as new coats, hats, and scarves. The more involved your kids are, the better it is for them. It will give them a sense of control and teach them the importance of appreciating what they have and knowing when to let go.

Organize Decorations and Recycle the Gift Wrapping

Dismantling the Christmas tree and decorations can feel like a chore, but it's also an opportunity to declutter and organize. As you pack away each item, check for any damages and decide whether it's worth keeping for next year or if it should be replaced. Use clear storage bins for ornaments and label each one with its contents. Wrap lights around a cardboard piece to prevent tangling and store them in a separate container. This methodical approach saves time and frustration when the next holiday season rolls around.

Every gift comes swathed in layers of shiny wrapping paper, ribbons, and bags that often end up as clutter. Begin your post-Christmas cleanup by gathering all the gift wrapping together. Neatly fold reusable paper and organize bows and gift bags in a designated container or drawer for next year. Remember there is no shame is reusing what you can! It’s better for the environment and more convenient than rebuying. Whatever you can’t reuse, try to recycle as much as possible. This clears your space and contributes to a more sustainable holiday season for the future.

Organize Your Kitchen

The holiday season is synonymous with food – and lots of it. Once the festivities are over, take stock of what's left in your pantry and fridge. Plan meals around perishable items that need to be used up quickly. Non-perishables that won't be consumed soon can be donated. By doing an inventory, you minimize waste, give back to the community, and make room for fresh groceries.

A well-organized pantry facilitates efficient food usage and waste reduction, especially during the holiday season when food abundance can lead to excess. Now's a great time to get your pantry organized, here's how:

Benefits of an Organized Pantry:

Visibility: Clearly labeled containers allow you to see exactly what you have, helping you to avoid purchasing duplicates and to use items before they expire.

Accessibility: Organized shelves with designated areas for different types of food make it easy to find what you need, ensuring perishables are used promptly.

Inventory Management: A tidy pantry allows for a quick inventory check, making it easier to know what items need to be reordered..

Space Optimization: Efficient use of space means more room for fresh groceries, as older items are used and not hidden in the back.

Donation Readiness: Items that you won't use can be easily gathered and donated, thanks to clear organization and labelling.

Tips for Organizing Your Pantry:

Use Reusable Containers: Store dry goods like grains, nuts, and baking ingredients in airtight containers to extend their shelf life.

Label Everything: Use labels to mark containers with contents and expiration dates. Consider a label maker for a clean, consistent look.

First In, First Out (FIFO) Method: Place newer items behind older ones so you use up the oldest items first.

Categorize: Group similar items together, such as baking supplies, snacks, and canned goods.

Regular Checks: Schedule a weekly review of your pantry contents to reassess what you have, what you need, and what needs to be used soon.

By implementing these strategies, you can make the most of your holiday provisions while mitigating food waste and supporting your local community through donations.

Sell or Donate Unwanted Items

Replacing old items with new gifts is a common theme during Christmas. Instead of allowing the old items to add to clutter, consider selling them online through various marketplaces on Facebook, for example or apps dedicated to second-hand goods, like Carousel. Alternatively, donation is a great option that helps those in need and contributes to the circular economy. By doing so, you're not only decluttering but also ensuring that your items get a second life.

Unwanted gifts & clothes for donation

Set Up a Storage System

Post-holiday decluttering is an excellent time to establish or improve your home storage systems.

The festive season is joyful but often leaves our homes in disarray, making post-holiday decluttering not just necessary, but also the perfect opportunity to refine your home storage systems. Have you noticed some items always seem to be out of place? It’s time to tackle that head-on.

Investing in the right storage solutions can transform your living spaces. But where do you begin? The Happy Space Co follows a simple, yet powerful, mantra when it comes to home organization and decluttering:

  1. Declutter to lighten the load: Start by assessing exactly what you need to keep and what would be best moved on to someone else who could make use of it.

  2. Organize for a fresh start: Choosing the right storage solution for the space is important. Remember, labelling each storage solution is a game-changer—it streamlines maintenance and makes your next decluttering session a breeze. It is also extremely helpful if you have multiple helpers in your home as it ensures that everyone knows where everything can be found.

  3. Systemize for lasting harmony: With everything in its rightful place, enjoy the serenity of an organized home. Regular check-ins on your storage systems will keep clutter at bay all year round.

Plan for Next Year

Post-Christmas is also an ideal time for reflection. Think about what aspects of this year's holiday season worked well and what could be improved for next time. Did you overcommit? Were there too many decorations to manage comfortably? Take notes and plan accordingly for next year to ensure a smoother, less cluttered holiday experience.

By implementing these seven strategies, you not only reclaim your space from the holiday aftermath but also lay down a foundation for year-round organization and peace of mind. Remember that decluttering is not just about physical space; it’s about creating an environment that fosters relaxation and happiness for the coming year.

Do you need help getting organizing off your to-do list in 2024? Set up a call with us to discuss how we can help you in the New Year!


25 top organization ideas for every room in your home


Celebrate with simplicity and joy - How to have a clutter-free Christmas