How to Beat the Clutter Based On Your Chinese Zodiac

With the Year of the Rabbit in full swing, we at the Happy Space Company know that you can never underestimate the power of having a decluttered and organized home and the impact it can have on your year. The word 'dust' in Mandarin is a homophone for 'old'. So, cleaning and organizing your home is a symbolic way to remove the bad luck of the previous year and begin the new year with a fresh slate. 

Did you know your Chinese zodiac sign can help guide you in this process? So, we put together a list of organizing tips based on your Chinese zodiac: 

1. Organize like a Rabbit 🐇

Years: 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939

3 mason jars filled with food

It’s your year Rabbits! You are known to be quiet, elegant, kind, and responsible. While everyone should be doing this, we think upgrading to sustainable organizational items is perfect for you Rabbits in 2023. Instead of plastic organizational items, why not opt for bamboo instead? For example bamboo dividers for kitchens. You can also opt for glass containers like mason jars or food holders. You can also recycle and repurpose things in your own house such as using ice cube dishes for jewellery or using old mugs as plant holders. The possibilities are endless!

2. Organize like a Dragon 🐉

Years: 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952

Phone screen showing images

Ahhhh the Dragon… One of the strongest animals in the zodiac. You are supposed to be confident, intelligent, and enthusiastic.  You have got it, and you know it. So why not take it to the next level by showing the world what you can do. A great way to leverage your outgoing nature is to make a social media post. Have a kitchen cabinet in desperate need of organizing? Or an electronics drawer that has gotten completely out of hand? Create a before and after post to show off your hard work! If you need inspiration, head over to our IG!

3. Organize like a Snake 🐍

Years: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953

Bowl of citrus fruit

You might get a bad rep but Snakes are enigmatic, intelligent, and wise. You should use your home organization to reach your goals. If you have any new year's resolutions, check out our blog on how to prime your space. The principle of Priming the Environment basically involves reducing friction and creating the path of least resistance to develop a habit. Conversely, if you want to stop a bad habit, add in all the friction, making it super hard to attain.  For example, making the healthy snacks easily accessible (front row in your most opened kitchen cupboard) and the junk food very well hidden or not in the home at all!

4. Horse 🐎

Years: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954

clean dishes drying on sink

Horses are known to be animated, active and energetic. A great way to use this energy is to add home cleaning and organizing to your everyday routine. Some easy tips and tricks include making your bed every morning. Not letting clothes accumulate on THAT chair. Don’t go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. Clean the kitchen while your meal is cooking. These easy hacks can help you have a tidier and happier home!

5. Goat🐐

Years: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955

Cushion and plant on floor

The goat is the calm, gentle and sympathetic animal of the zodiac. You thrive on your hobbies and want to always have a warm cup of coffee or tea with you. For 2023, you can bring this cosy energy to your home by building a hobby nook. This is a safe space that feels like a true reflection of yourself. For example, set up a reading chair and your bookshelf (with lots of plants of course) if you are looking to read more this year. You can also have candles, aromas and your yoga mat ready in a corner for when you want to meditate. Or if you play an instrument, display it proudly on the wall - it’ll also serve as a reminder to practice!

6. Monkey 🐵

Years: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956

Pens being put into desk organizer

Let’s be honest, as a Monkey, that is sharp, smart and curious, you are probably already on top of your home organization. But you need everyone around you to catch up. So this year, create systems to help your family stay on track. If you have kids, for example, you can create a homework system to ensure the work gets done. Sort and store all the stationary, with labels, so that they know exactly where they can find their stuff AND make sure to return it to its place. Also having a designated space—a homework corner—to do homework at each evening. It should be well-lit and comfortable for working. See the difference these organizational hacks can make!

7. Rooster 🐓

Years: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957

Beautiful home office

The observant, hardworking and courageous Rooster. You have quite a year ahead of you! In order to stay on top of all your work, you should transform your work desk for higher productivity. Start simple, find a way to tidy and organize all your wires and cords. They just add distractions and mess which can be frustrating for some. If you’re willing to go to the next level (which we know you are!), a label maker is your best friend. Sort your papers, stationary, and other accessories and organize them for easy access. Then go wild with your label maker and now you will never waste time looking for things!

8. Dog 🐶

Years: 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958

Polaroid images on the wall

Man’s best friend! The dog is known to be lovely, honest, prudent and loyal. You probably have tons of photos and memorabilia to celebrate the people you love. Instead of letting it accumulate around the house, one idea is to create a photo wall or corner. Grab your favorite photos of the people (and animals) in your life, and create a gorgeous wall or space that you can look at whenever you’re feeling the love! Or if you collect items - be it tickets, coins or posters, sort through them, keep the ones that speak to you, and then find a way to display them. Your home should reflect your heart.

9. Pig 🐷

Years: 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959

Jar filled with coins and a plant

Last but not least is the pig. You are compassionate, generous, and diligent. You have an open heart and are generous with your time, emotions AND money. To add a little feel-good moment at the end of the month, why don’t you collect coins/change and donate to your favourite charity (Or a different NGO each month)? One way to do that is to keep a coin jar someplace accessible - like the kitchen or the entrance. Every time you get change, you can just pop it in there! Another option is to clean out your wallet or purse on a weekly basis, and whatever change you get from there can go to the donation box!

10. Rat 🐀

Years: 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960

Mason jars filled with spices

If you are born in the year of the rat, you are known to be quick-witted, versatile and resourceful. So let’s put your inventive and enterprising self to good use and find a way to good use. Grab the things in your house and repurpose them to aid your organizing. Have old candle jars lying around? Clean out the wax and use them as office supply containers! Cardboard boxes, especially shoe boxes, make great containers for socks, undergarments, hats, or other small clothing items. Just paint it and add a label and you’re all set. Any other ideas? Drop them in the comments below

11. Ox 🐂

Years: 2021, 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961

White coffee pots

The Ox is known to be diligent, dependable, strong and determined. You are probably someone who loves routines. So, create a system to make mornings easier. Have a corner set up in your home that has all the things you love to have the best start to the day! This could be your favourite tea or coffee, breakfast foods ready to go, and a set-up for meditation, exercise or journaling to start your day right. If you live with others - partner, children, parents etc. Make them part of the routine. Especially with kids, if you have them prepare the night before for everything they need, you’re sure to have a smoother start to the day. 

12. Tiger 🐯

Years: 2022, 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950

Organised closet

Like the mighty tiger, those born in these years are brave, confident, competitive, and unpredictable. To help you start the New Year on the right foot, why not lean into your competitive side and organize a closet clean-out challenge with friends (or even strangers)? See who can do it the fastest or can donate the most. The one that wins, has to buy the rest a round of drinks! Or, you can just use it for bragging rights! 

This was such a fun blog to write, we hope you enjoyed and learnt something about your Chinese Zodiac. If you are looking to go further and truly transform your home space, just schedule a call! Looking forward to hearing from you!


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